Erica Davis
Erica Davis is married to her college sweetheart, Brad Davis. They have two boys, Shad and Porter. Erica and Brad co-founded Hitching Post Ministries in 2018. Erica has worked with children for 24 years in many roles. She has been a Recreation Center Director, YMCA director, Children’s Ministry Director, Elementary Physical Education Teacher, and a Care Ministry Director. They have 50 years of combined experience with kids.
Erica was raised by two loving parents. She grew up as a Pastor’s Kid (PK). Her dad was a farmer and imparted that love to Erica as she grew up.
Erica earned her B.A. in Physical Education from Point Loma Nazarene University.
At a young age, Erica found her love for horses. She had dreams of owning and riding her own horse. She also loved going to Christian Camp every summer. Her love for Jesus and horses never faded. As early as nine years old, Erica dreamed of having a place where kids could come and know the love of Jesus through playing with horses. It wasn’t until Erica turned 40 that she discovered a place where this combination of Jesus and horse ministry for kids was actually happening: Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, Oregon. Erica visited and began to be trained by the amazing staff at CPYR. The dream came alive. Erica continued to be trained and certified through 8 years of volunteering at various horse facilities. Her dream continued to grow.
Through much prayer and faith forward steps, Brad & Erica were able to establish HPM in 2018. Hitching Post Ministries’ birth is that childhood dream rescued and fulfilled. The Ranch is located on the boarder of Orange County and Riverside County on the South Main Divide off the Ortega Highway, on 2.5 acres and ready to begin the Ministry God planted in her heart all those years ago.
In this process, Erica learned a lot about waiting on God and HIS timing. Together with Brad and their boys they are continuing to walk in faith. The Davis family is committed to serving the Lord and HIS people by using their time, talents, and money to make the biggest impact for the Kingdom of God. They are thankful for the past and saying yes to all that God will bring in the future, they are committed to the Holy Spirits work to heal and restore.

Dr. Brad Davis
Dr. Davis grew up in Pasadena in a family of Educators and Athletes. He followed suit and played junior college basketball at Orange Coast College and Pasadena City College. In 1987, while attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo as a Computer Science major, Davis was invited to play for a Christian basketball team touring Spain. His experience working with the youth in Spain awakened a passion to teach and coach. His parents were his mentors as he entered the Education profession. His father was a truant officer/counselor and coach in Los Angeles and his mother was a teacher in the Pasadena Unified School District.
After graduation from Point Loma Nazarene University, Davis began his teaching and coaching career at Blair High School. During his 27 years as an educator, he has worked at Newhart, Bernice Ayer and Arroyo Vista Middle Schools, Blair, Tri-City, San Clemente, and San Juan Hills High Schools; Orange County Department of Education; Concordia University Irvine, Vanguard University, and Point Loma Nazarene University. He has worked as an Assistant Dean, Freshman Mentor, Discipline Team Committee Member, School Board President, Head Basketball Coach, Head Volleyball Coach, Athletic Director, and Assistant Men's Basketball Coach at Concordia University and Vanguard University.
Dr. Davis' passion for leadership has been demonstrated in his coaching and teaching. While at Concordia University, he used his knowledge of leadership practices to help the men’s basketball program earn its first NAIA Division I National Championship in 2003. Always eager to help use his leadership philosophy in new settings, in 2014 he helped the men’s basketball program at Vanguard University earn its first NAIA Division I Men’s Basketball National Championship as well. He holds a Doctorate in Education with an emphasis in Leadership from Concordia University Chicago. His dissertation research examined effective leadership practices in Secondary Institutions of Higher Learning. His latest project includes starting a non-profit ministry with his wife of 25 years, Erica. For Hitching Post Ministries, he provides the leadership foundation for the mentoring component of the ministry.
+ Ed.D., Concordia University Chicago
+ M.A., Education, Grand Canyon University
+ B.A., Liberal Studies, Point Loma Nazarene University