Oreo, the King, was HPM’s first donated horse. He was donated to HPM February. 2019. He is a 22 year old, 15 hand, Pinto gelding Quarter Horse with a background in trail riding, cattle sorting, and gymkhana. Gymkhana is a term used to describe an equestrian event consisting of speed pattern racing and timed games for riders on horses. Oreo has so much energy and wisdom to offer people that come to the ranch looking to connect and learn and grow with horses. Oreo is thriving offering strength and support to youth that are in need of a trustworthy friend. Like many older horses Oreo is given supplements and medications daily to provide relief from stiffness and discomfort caused by arthritis, as well as front shoes.

Cisco, the Superhero, is in his 20’s. We were not given his exact details when he was donated in May 2019. He is 15 hand, Pinto gelding Quarter Horse that was a Polo Pony in his previous life. He was diagnosed with a bone related lameness that caused an early retirement. After being diagnosed his owner at the time decided to abandon him at the large animal veterinarian office and he was scheduled to be euthanized. God had other plans... Cisco was meant to be a part of the Hitching Post herd. Cisco is the second horse adopted by HPM and his strength and ability to overcome life’s challenges is a daily gift to us all... Currently Cisco is on daily
supplements to help with his overall health along with monthly hoof trimming. Cisco is a ground work horse only, no riding.

Coolan is an 18 year old, 16’3 hand, Irish Sport Horse gelding. In his previous life, he was a very talented 3 Day Event horse. He was brought to HPM for a break from his very busy life and allowed to kick off his shoes and become part of the herd. Coolan is such a fun horse with a ton of personality and is always interested in what's going on at the ranch and who he can connect with. In seeing how happy he is here at HPM, the loving owners of this amazing horse decided to donate him in November 2019 to the program so he can continue to bless others with his incredible presence and joy for life.... Coolan is a big boy with a big appetite who is currently on daily joint supplements along with monthly hoof trimming.

Rio came to the Ranch on March 1, 2020. he He is HPM's pandemic horse. Rio is a 6 year old Quarter/Arab cross gelding, approximately 14hh. He was hit by a car around the age of 2 years old. He has a few lingering issues from his accident, but is a precious horse. A wonderful lady rescued him and paid for him with vet care and training. She decided to donate him to HPM because of the way he connects with people who have experienced trauma. He is great with people & easily a fan favorite. He is a curious young horse and is still learning social distancing.

Trigger was a gift to Brad & Erica in August of 2020 from Kristina Stuckey, HPM’s Equine Specialist. He will be used at their discretion for HPM guests. Trigger is an 18 year old Quarter Horse Gelding that is incredibly handsome and smart. Originally trained as a western dressage horse, was diagnosed with Navicular Syndrome. Navicular Disease, is a syndrome of lameness, degeneration of the navicular bone, on the front feet. This diagnosis caused an early retirement. With careful careful management of his hooves, diet and medication he can be comfortable for both turn outs and light riding.