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Session Registration is OPEN!
Hitching Post Session Season begins:
February through mid-November
Sessions are scheduled at the following days Wednesdays - Saturdays 90 minute session times are available Calendar on Website for Available Session Times. Spaces are Limited! Click here to register for a Session!
Meet Our Mentors

(left to right) Jenni, Melissa, Erica and Ashley

Lessons from the Herd
For three days we noticed one of our horses anxiously watching out for his brothers in the herd. He spent the day watching intently on the direction of the perceived danger, sounds of construction. blocks away. Keeping an anxious watch, he did not take time to eat a full meal, sleep or rest. His gaze continuously directed to detect anything from that direction. We sought to reassure him by walking in the direction of the perceived distress to let him know we were watching out for him, and praying for peace. Soon, we noticed the other horses came to his aid, reassuring him and watching over him as he rested. Thank you for praying for Hitching Post, continually watching over us, and supporting us with your contributions. We feel the love of the herd.

Thank you Donors!
We rely fully on our sponsors so that our Session Kids can attend for free. We want to give a special THANK YOU to our monthly donors who continued to sustain us during these crazy COVID times. Your generosity has made us able to keep moving forward being prepared to serve our families in need. And the NEED is extremely critical in this desperate world. Thanks for joining us in the Mission to provide a path of hope and healing to hurting kids through a mentorship relationship.
We're Open!
HPM is Following Social Distancing and our numbers on site are limited to follow guidelines.
Saturday's - Serve Day 9 am - 12 pm - Register
Saturday's Tours - 10 am - 11 am - Register
