Lessons from the Herd
Promises Fulfilled Now... But not Yet We are living in the now and not yet. God's word has 5,467 promises that we can claim as his sons and daughters in the “NOW”, as we live in the not yet These promises are, however, conditional upon obedience on our part as believers. Let me give you an example.
In our journey to Hitching Post, there was doubt, fear, death to the dream, pain, confusion, derailment, wrong turns and oh yeah..... waiting. But as we kept asking, kept knocking, kept seeking - He was faithful to always give us enough! Enough light for the next step, enough hope, enough faith to keep believing, mostly He gave enough of himself that we truly understood that HE was the only answer. On the journey, we asked, "Are your promises really true?" – another way of saying: “Can I really trust you?” He answered -
Psalm 18:30 NLT. God’s way is perfect. ALL the Lord's promises prove true. When you ask specifically - He’ll answer specifically!! We decided because of this answer we were going to live in the completion of the NOW of the Promise, believing that what HE said has already been done. As we live in the not yet..... the waiting.
Because He shed light on our question and answered it through His word (where He loves to speak to us intimately) We decided that we would only have a Plan A - Obey God at all Cost. There was NO Plan B. FYI, this means adventure, this means risk, this isn’t always comfortable. To many people, this didn’t seem wise or safe.
But God… was drawing us to himself. Intimacy came through our obedience. Through our time together the Lord would reveal certain words that we couldn’t get out of our Spirit. The words were: Land and Inheritance. A certain section of scripture was causing us to believe for more. We claimed Joshua 21:43-45 for our family.
43 So the Lord gave Brad & Erica all the land he had sworn to give to their ancestors, and Brad & Erica took possession of it and settled there. 44 The Lord gave Brad & Erica rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their ancestors. Not one of Brad & Erica enemies withstood them; the Lord gave all Brad & Erica enemies into their hands. 45 Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Brad & Erica failed; every one was fulfilled.
A year and 7 months ago, God allowed us the opportunity to step into this dream together. The not yet…became the promise fulfilled. The Ranch of Rescued Dreams.
Psalm 34:3. Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together
Love, Brad & Erica Davis
WHAT ABOUT YOU? Are YOU living in the now but not yet? Do you desire intimacy with the Lord? Do you desire to hear his voice? HPM wants to partner with you on your journey. Reserve your spot - email for date *Solitude Days *Retreat Options *One on One Mentoring 1 Thes. 5:24. The one who calls you is faithful and HE will do it.
HPM welcomes new family member.
Meet Rio!

Meet Rio our newest horse to the herd. Rio is a 6-year-old Quarter/Arab cross gelding, approx. 14hh
. He was hit by a car around the age of 2 or 3 years old. A beautiful lady rescued him and paid for vet care and training. He is great with people and we have all fallen in love with him already. He has settled into the ministry and herd like a champ. The Lord told me he is Precious - of great Value. We are calling him: Golden Rio.
Special thanks to ALL our donors & volunteers who are helping to create a safe place for kids to come and be valued.